Intrusive sound has a number of different sources and it is for this reason that it is important to use the CamperTherm 3-Layer System to ensure that these are effectively tackled. Airborne noise is different to mechanical noise and our system will have you covered.
Noise whilst underway comes from both the vehicle’s engine and friction of the tyres against the road surface. is transmitted mechanically through the vehicle’s body and is amplified by the large metal surfaces in the vehicle. The base layer of our 3-Layer System is made of either 3mm or 5mm foil-faced rubber. This acts as an excellent mechanical sound deadener and it is for this reason that this material is applied directly to the inside of the vehicle’s bodywork.
Ambient noise both from people talking inside your camper van and exterior sound is effectively deadened by the middle thermo-acoustic insulation layer. This is between 4-12mm thick and is made of closed cell foam or 100% recycled reconstituted foam. The tiny air bubbles in this material break down the linear sound waves and greatly reduce the level of noise inside the vehicle.
What sets our 3-Layer System apart from our competitors’ inferior products is that all types of noise interference are effectively dealt with. Our products are easy to apply and come with strong self-adhesive backing. No hassle, no mess, just time saved. Shop online now for the CamperTherm 3-Layer Insulation System.